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Creating authentic inclusion has become increasingly important to organizations and industries of all types. We support organizations by providing training that equips leadership/employees/students/trustees with the tools to achieve meaningful inclusion throughout their organizations.

Some of our most popular trainings...

Cultural Competency & The Dimensions Of Diversity

Early steps in leadership – knowledge, skills and confidence to hit the ground running

Cultural Competency In Schools

Navigating Microaggressions

Implicit & Unconscious Bias

Bridging the Gap Between Values and Behaviors

Be Brave - Courageous Conversations

Support at Every Stage of The Journey

Welcoming Differences 

Conflict Resolution - Civil Discourse

Cross Cultural Communication

Change The Narrative - The Road To Inclusion

Some of our most popular student/school assemblies...

The Importance Of Inclusion And How To Achieve It


Anti Racist Community - Why, What, and How?

Stereotypes - Welcoming Differences

Inclusion Through Music (Maestro J performance & speaking)

Who are YOU? Identity, Inclusion, and Allyship

Sameness - Normal - Differences

Some of our teacher specific trainings...

Ask about our customized trainings. 

Inclusion in the classroom: Why, What, and How 

Who We Are: Identity Development for Educators and Youth

Anti Racist Education - Why, What, and How?

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