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Customized from Start to Finish

We believe in designing solutions that work for our clients, which is why at ids we tailor our approach to fit our clients’ needs. We have experience with a variety of tools, methodologies, and frameworks which have helped redefine and transform organizational cultures.

Designed to Provide Long-Term Success

Any successful leardership, diversity and inclusion initiative includes internal capacity building and redundancy planning. To ensure long term success, we work to scale back our involvement and replace it with internal culture champions. During this process we equip culture champions with the skills and tools to support ongoing learning, measurement, and accountability from within. By developing this internal support system we can ensure you are able to maintain your organization’s vision for the future.


The DEI Project Lifecycle

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Project Lifecycle is ids's method for helping organizations transform their culture, increase employee engagement, and build internal capacity to assess and sustain DEI efforts. We work with you to identify what level of intervention is best for your organization. Through this process we can help your leadership define and calibrate the existing organizational culture, plan for implementing our recommendations, and begin your journey for building a more inclusive culture.







Commitment is crucial to any culture initiative. The strongest predictor of the success of an organizational culture initiative is the level of commitment from senior leadership.

It is critical to lead an initiative with data which minimizes reliance on guesswork and grounds a project in objectivity.

We create a customized organizational roadmap to guide your process and benchmark your progress against objective data. Our step-by-step process creates clarity and reassures your team that progress is being made.







We have the capacity to implement a variety of methods to engage and develop your organization based on your needs.

We help clients evaluate progress by checking in on stated goals and periodically redeploying assessments.

Sometimes organizational change efforts go off course. Our methodology allows us to quickly ascertain any derailment and quickly course-correct.



Our clients are expected to sustain their culture initiatives independent of our consultation services. We build capacity transfer into every engagement.

Drop us a line today to receive a quote for our services

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