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James Racine

Founder & Principal Consultant

James is an experienced and sought-after consultant, speaker, educator, trainer and community engager due to his high energy, interactive, and inspiring style. James believes in unleashing the power of human potential, embracing diversity, and helping people—and organizations—to thrive. As a certified diversity practitioner, he works to help create inclusive environments that foster empowerment for people of all races, ethnic origins, genders, abilities, sexual orientations, and other identities.

ids provides professional development, consulting, speaking engagements, and coaching for schools, corporations, individuals, and organizations in leadership, cultural competency, and strategic initiatives.

Who We Are

ids is passionate about transforming communities and organizations toward equitable and just practices that harness the power of diversity and inclusivity.  


We help organizations move beyond “check-the-box” diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives to make a meaningful and sustainable change.


Whether you're looking to improve recruiting and retention, inspire and energize your team, or foster a culture of innovation, our holistic approach is customized to meet the unique needs of your organization.

We use trusted practices, innovative techniques, and emerging knowledge to deliver exceptional consultancies.  

We engage with you wherever you are on your journey. Partner with us to build out your whole journey towards a more inclusive workplace, or work with us on targeted programs.

We are on a mission to set a new tone to the world, and to create a more inclusive reality for generations to come by helping organizations create the type of workplace/community where people no longer feel pressure to downplay aspects of their identity in order to survive; instead, they begin to feel free to bring their full selves to work and motivated to contribute in a way that fuels bottom-line growth.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”—Martin Luther King, Jr.

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